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TREASURE ISLAND 034 XXVIIsrael Hands 012

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TREASURE ISLAND 034 – XXVIIsrael Hands – 012

Wounded as he was, it was wonderful how fast he could move, his grizzled hair tumbling over his face, and his face itself as red as a red ensign with his haste and fury.
I had no time to try my other pistol, nor indeed much inclination, for I was sure it would be useless.
One thing I saw plainly: I must not simply retreat before him, or he would speedily hold me boxed into the bows, as a moment since he had so nearly boxed me in the stern.
Once so caught, and nine or ten inches of the blood-stained dirk would be my last experience on this side of eternity.
I placed my palms against the main-mast, which was of a goodish bigness, and waited, every nerve upon the stretch.

Seeing that I meant to dodge, he also paused; and a moment or two passed in feints on his part and corresponding movements upon mine.
It was such a game as I had often played at home about the rocks of Black Hill Cove, but never before, you may be sure, with such a wildly beating heart as now.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Wounded / as he was, / it was wonderful / how fast / he could move, / his grizzled hair / tumbling over his face, / and his face itself / as red as a red ensign / with his haste and fury.

    그가 부상을 입었음에도 불구하고, 그가 얼마나 빨리 움직일 수 있는지는 정말 놀라웠다. 그의 회색 머리카락은 얼굴 위로 흘러내렸고, 그의 얼굴 자체도 그의 서두름과 분노로 붉은 깃발만큼 붉었다.

  2. ⦁ wounded: 부상당한
    – He was severely wounded in the battle. (그는 전투에서 심하게 부상을 입었다.)

    ⦁ haste: 서두름
    – In her haste to leave, she forgot her keys. (떠나는 것을 서두르다가, 그녀는 열쇠를 잊어버렸다.)
  3. I had no time / to try / my other pistol, / nor indeed much inclination, / for I was sure / it would be useless.

    나는 다른 권총을 사용할 시간이 없었고, 사실상 그렇게 하고 싶은 마음도 없었는데, 그것이 쓸모없을 것이라고 확신했기 때문이다.

  4. ⦁ inclination: 기호, 성향
    – He had no inclination to argue. (그는 논쟁할 마음이 없었다.)

    ⦁ useless: 쓸모없는
    – This tool is useless now that it’s broken. (이 도구는 고장이 나서 쓸모없다.)
  5. One thing / I saw / plainly: / I must not / simply retreat / before him, / or he would speedily / hold me boxed / into the bows, / as a moment / since / he had so nearly / boxed me / in the stern.

    한 가지 분명한 것은: 그 앞에서 단순히 후퇴해서는 안 되며, 그렇지 않으면 그는 곧 나를 선수로 가두어 버릴 것이라는 점이었다. 마치 방금 전 그가 나를 선미에 거의 가둘 뻔했던 것처럼.

  6. ⦁ retreat: 후퇴하다
    – The army decided to retreat. (군대는 후퇴하기로 결정했다.)

    ⦁ boxed: 가두다
    – They were boxed in by the traffic. (그들은 교통 정체에 갇혔다.)
  7. Once / so caught, / and nine / or ten inches / of the blood-stained dirk / would be / my last experience / on this side of eternity.

    한번 그렇게 잡히면, 9~10인치의 피 묻은 단검이 내가 이 세상에서 겪는 마지막 경험이 될 것이다.

  8. ⦁ caught: 잡힌
    – He was caught stealing. (그는 훔치다가 잡혔다.)

    ⦁ eternity: 영원
    – They promised to love each other for eternity. (그들은 영원히 서로를 사랑할 것을 약속했다.)
  9. I placed / my palms / against the main-mast, / which was / of a goodish bigness, / and waited, / every nerve / upon the stretch.

    나는 팔을 주요 돛대에 대고, 그 돛대는 제법 컸다, 기다렸다. 모든 신경이 팽팽하게 긴장된 상태로.

  10. ⦁ main-mast: 주요 돛대
    – The sailor climbed up the main-mast. (선원은 주요 돛대를 올라갔다.)

    ⦁ nerve: 신경
    – He felt his nerves tense up. (그는 신경이 긴장되는 것을 느꼈다.)
  11. Seeing / that I meant / to dodge, / he also paused; / and a moment / or two / passed / in feints / on his part / and corresponding movements / upon mine.

    내가 피할 의도가 있는 것을 보고, 그는 또한 멈췄다; 순간 또는 두 순간이 그가 속임수를 쓰는 사이 나의 대응 동작으로 지나갔다.

  12. ⦁ dodge: 피하다
    – He tried to dodge the ball. (그는 공을 피하려고 했다.)

    ⦁ feint: 속임수 동작
    – The boxer made a feint with his left, then struck with his right. (권투 선수는 왼손으로 속임수를 쓰고, 오른손으로 때렸다.)
  13. It was / such a game / as I had often played / at home / about the rocks / of Black Hill Cove, / but never before, / you may be sure, / with such a wildly beating heart / as now.

    그것은 내가 집에서 Black Hill 만의 바위 주변에서 자주 했던 게임과 같았지만, 이렇게 격렬하게 뛰는 심장박동을 느낀 적은 이전에는 없었다.

  14. ⦁ game: 게임, 놀이
    – They played a fun game together. (그들은 함께 재미있는 게임을 했다.)

    ⦁ wildly: 격렬하게
    – The crowd cheered wildly. (관중은 격렬하게 환호했다.)

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