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TREASURE ISLAND 035 – XXVII“Pieces of Eight” – 001
wing to the cant of the vessel, the masts hung far out over the water, and from my perch on the cross-trees I had nothing below me but the surface of the bay.Hands, who was not so far up, was in consequence nearer to the ship and fell between me and the bulwarks.He rose once to the surface in a lather of foam and blood and then sank again for good.As the water settled, I could see him lying huddled together on the clean, bright sand in the shadow of the vessel’s sides.A fish or two whipped past his body.Sometimes, by the quivering of the water, he appeared to move a little, as if he were trying to rise.But he was dead enough, for all that, being both shot and drowned, and was food for fish in the very place where he had designed my slaughter.I was no sooner certain of this than I began to feel sick, faint, and terrified.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Owing to / the cant / of the vessel, / the masts hung / far out / over the water, / and from my perch / on the cross-trees / I had nothing / below me / but the surface / of the bay.
배의 기울기 때문에, 돛대가 물 위로 멀리 치우쳐 있었고, 나는 가름대 위의 자리에서 아래에는 만의 수면밖에 없었다.
⦁ cant: 경사, 기울기 – The cant of the road made it unsafe to drive fast. (도로의 경사 때문에 빠르게 운전하기에 안전하지 않았다.) ⦁ perch: 자리, 앉은 자리 – The bird found a perch on the high branch. (새는 높은 가지에 앉은 자리를 찾았다.) -
Hands, / who was not / so far up, / was in / consequence nearer / to the ship / and fell / between me / and the bulwarks.
그렇게 높이 올라가지 않은 핸즈는 결과적으로 배와 더 가까워져 나와 방벽 사이로 떨어졌다.
⦁ consequence: 결과 – As a consequence of his actions, he was punished. (그의 행동의 결과로 그는 처벌을 받았다.) ⦁ bulwarks: 방벽 – The ship’s bulwarks protected the crew from the rough sea. (배의 방벽이 선원을 거친 바다로부터 보호했다.) -
He rose / once / to the surface / in a lather / of foam / and blood / and then sank / again / for good.
그는 거품과 피의 뒤섞임 속에서 한 번 수면으로 올라왔다가 다시 영원히 가라앉았다.
⦁ lather: 거품 – The soap created a rich lather. (비누가 풍성한 거품을 만들었다.) ⦁ foam: 거품 – The sea was covered in foam after the storm. (폭풍 이후 바다는 거품으로 덮여 있었다.) -
As / the water settled, / I could see him / lying huddled / together / on the clean, / bright sand / in the shadow / of the vessel’s sides.
물이 가라앉자 나는 그가 배의 측면 그림자 속 깨끗하고 밝은 모래 위에 웅크리고 누워 있는 것을 볼 수 있었다.
⦁ settled: 가라앉은 – The dust settled after a few minutes. (몇 분 후에 먼지가 가라앉았다.) ⦁ huddled: 웅크린 – The children huddled together for warmth. (아이들은 따뜻함을 위해 서로 웅크렸다.) -
A fish / or two / whipped past / his body. / Sometimes, / by the quivering / of the water, / he appeared / to move / a little, / as if / he were / trying to rise.
물고기 한두 마리가 그의 몸을 휙 지나갔다. 때때로 물의 흔들림 때문에 그는 마치 일어나려는 듯 약간 움직이는 것처럼 보였다.
⦁ whipped: 휙 지나간 – The wind whipped through the trees. (바람이 나무 사이로 휙 지나갔다.) ⦁ quivering: 떨리는, 흔들리는 – She felt a quivering in her hands. (그녀는 손에 떨림을 느꼈다.) -
But / he was dead / enough, / for all that, / being both shot / and drowned, / and was food / for fish / in the very place / where he had designed / my slaughter.
하지만 그는 확실히 죽었다. 총에 맞고 익사한 그는 자신이 나를 죽이려 했던 바로 그 장소에서 물고기의 먹이가 되었다.
⦁ drowning: 익사한 – He was struggling to avoid drowning. (그는 익사를 피하기 위해 발버둥쳤다.) ⦁ slaughter: 도살, 학살 – The soldiers remembered the slaughter vividly. (군인들은 학살을 생생히 기억했다.) -
I was / no sooner / certain / of this / than I began / to feel sick, / faint, / and terrified.
나는 이것을 확신하자마자 메스껍고, 어지럽고, 두려움을 느끼기 시작했다.
⦁ certain: 확신하는 – She was certain about her decision. (그녀는 자신의 결정에 대해 확신했다.) ⦁ terrified: 두려워하는 – He was terrified of the dark. (그는 어둠을 두려워했다.)
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