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TREASURE ISLAND 035 – XXVII“Pieces of Eight” – 004
I was now alone upon the ship; the tide had just turned.The sun was within so few degrees of setting that already the shadow of the pines upon the western shore began to reach right across the anchorage and fall in patterns on the deck.The evening breeze had sprung up, and though it was well warded off by the hill with the two peaks upon the east, the cordage had begun to sing a little softly to itself and the idle sails to rattle to and fro.I began to see a danger to the ship.The jibs I speedily doused and brought tumbling to the deck, but the main-sail was a harder matter.Of course, when the schooner canted over, the boom had swung out-board, and the cap of it and a foot or two of sail hung even under water.I thought this made it still more dangerous; yet the strain was so heavy that I half feared to meddle.At last I got my knife and cut the halyards.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
I was now alone / upon the ship; / the tide had just turned.
나는 이제 배에 홀로 남겨졌고, / 조수가 막 바뀌었다.
The sun was within so few degrees of setting / that already the shadow of the pines / upon the western shore / began to reach right across the anchorage / and fall in patterns on the deck.
해가 지기까지 얼마 남지 않아/ 이미 서쪽 해안의 소나무 그림자가/ 닻을 내린 곳을 가로질러/ 갑판에 무늬를 그리며 드리우기 시작했다.
The evening breeze / had sprung up, / and though it was well warded off / by the hill with the two peaks / upon the east, / the cordage had begun to sing / a little softly to itself / and the idle sails to rattle to and fro.
저녁 바람이 불기 시작했고, / 동쪽의 두 봉우리가 있는 언덕이 그것을 잘 막아주었지만, / 밧줄들은 작게 소리내기 시작했고 / 사용되지 않는 돛들도 좌우로 흔들렸다.
I began to see / a danger to the ship. / The jibs I speedily doused / and brought tumbling to the deck, / but the main-sail was a harder matter.
나는 배에 닥친 위험을 느끼기 시작했다. / 나는 재빨리 앞돛을 내리고 / 갑판으로 굴러 떨어지게 했지만, / 큰 돛은 더 어려운 문제였다.
Of course, when the schooner canted over, / the boom had swung out-board, / and the cap of it / and a foot or two of sail / hung even under water.
물론, 스쿠너가 기울었을 때 / 붐이 밖으로 흔들렸고 / 그 끝과 / 한두 피트의 돛이 / 물에 잠기게 되었다.
I thought this made it still more dangerous; / yet the strain was so heavy / that I half feared to meddle.
이로 인해 더 위험해졌다고 생각했지만, / 장력은 너무 강해서 / 함부로 손대는 것이 두려웠다.
At last I got my knife / and cut the halyards.
마침내 나는 나이프를 꺼내 / 할리어드를 잘랐다.
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