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TREASURE ISLAND 035 – XXVII“Pieces of Eight” – 005
The peak dropped instantly, a great belly of loose canvas floated broad upon the water, and since, pull as I liked, I could not budge the downhall, that was the extent of what I could accomplish.For the rest, the Hispaniola must trust to luck, like myself.By this time the whole anchorage had fallen into shadow—the last rays, I remember, falling through a glade of the wood and shining bright as jewels on the flowery mantle of the wreck.It began to be chill; the tide was rapidly fleeting seaward, the schooner settling more and more on her beam-ends.I scrambled forward and looked over.It seemed shallow enough, and holding the cut hawser in both hands for a last security, I let myself drop softly overboard.The water scarcely reached my waist; the sand was firm and covered with ripple marks, and I waded ashore in great spirits, leaving the Hispaniola on her side, with her main-sail trailing wide upon the surface of the bay.About the same time, the sun went fairly down and the breeze whistled low in the dusk among the tossing pines.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The peak dropped instantly, / a great belly of loose canvas floated / broad upon the water, / and since, / pull as I liked, / I could not budge the downhall, / that was the extent / of what I could accomplish.
그 순간 톱슬이 떨어지고, / 느슨한 돛의 한 덩어리가 / 물 위에 넓게 떠올랐다. / 아무리 당겨도, / 나는 하강 로프를 움직일 수 없어서, / 내가 할 수 있는 것은 여기까지였다.
For the rest, / the Hispaniola must trust to luck, / like myself.
남은 것들은, / 나 자신처럼 / 히스파니올라 호도 운에 맡겨야만 했다.
By this time, / the whole anchorage had fallen / into shadow—the last rays, / I remember, / falling through a glade of the wood / and shining bright as jewels / on the flowery mantle of the wreck.
이때쯤, / 전체 정박지가 그림자에 / 빠져 있었고—마지막 햇살이 / 내 기억에, / 숲의 공터를 통해 비치며 / 난파선의 꽃으로 덮인 망토 위에서 / 보석처럼 휘황찬란하게 빛났다.
It began / to be chill; / the tide was rapidly fleeting seaward, / the schooner settling more and more / on her beam-ends.
추워지기 시작했다; / 조수가 빠르게 바다 쪽으로 밀려 나가면서, / 스쿠너는 점점 더 측면에 기울어졌다.
I scrambled forward and / looked over.
나는 앞으로 기어가 / 내려다 보았다.
It seemed shallow enough, / and holding the cut hawser / in both hands for a last security, / I let myself drop softly overboard.
그 깊이는 얕아 보였고, / 마지막으로 양손으로 자른 밧줄을 잡고, / 나는 조심스럽게 물에 뛰어들었다.
The water scarcely reached my waist; / the sand was firm and covered with ripple marks, / and I waded ashore in great spirits, / leaving the Hispaniola on her side, / with her main-sail trailing wide / upon the surface of the bay.
물은 거의 내 허리까지 차올랐고; / 모래는 단단하고 파문 자국으로 덮여있었다, / 나는 기분 좋게 해안으로 걸어갔다, / 히스파니올라를 측면에 두고, / 주돛이 넓게 퍼져 / 만의 표면에 떠 있었다.
About the same time, / the sun went fairly down / and the breeze whistled low / in the dusk / among the tossing pines.
거의 같은 시점에, / 해가 서서히 졌고 / 미풍이 살랑살랑 밤낮 속에서 / 흔들리는 소나무들 사이에서 / 낮게 휘파람 소리를 냈다.
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