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TREASURE ISLAND 035 XXVII Pieces of Eight 008

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

TREASURE ISLAND 035 – XXVII“Pieces of Eight” – 008

The moon was climbing higher and higher, its light began to fall here and there in masses through the more open districts of the wood, and right in front of me a glow of a different colour appeared among the trees.
It was red and hot, and now and again it was a little darkened—as it were, the embers of a bonfire smouldering.

For the life of me I could not think what it might be.

At last I came right down upon the borders of the clearing.
The western end was already steeped in moonshine; the rest, and the block house itself, still lay in a black shadow chequered with long silvery streaks of light.
On the other side of the house an immense fire had burned itself into clear embers and shed a steady, red reverberation, contrasted strongly with the mellow paleness of the moon.
There was not a soul stirring nor a sound beside the noises of the breeze.

I stopped, with much wonder in my heart, and perhaps a little terror also.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The moon / was climbing / higher and higher, / its light / began to fall / here and there / in masses / through the more open districts / of the wood, / and right in front / of me / a glow of a different colour / appeared / among the trees.

    달이 점점 높이 오르고 있었고, 그 빛이 여기저기 잔뜩 내리기 시작했다. 숲의 더 열린 지역을 통해, 바로 내 앞에 다른 색의 빛이 나무들 사이로 나타났다.

    ⦁ glow: 빛
    – The glow from the fire was comforting (불에서 나오는 빛은 편안했다).

    ⦁ district: 지역
    – This is a quiet residential district (이곳은 조용한 주거 지역이다).
  2. It was red / and hot, / and now and again / it was a little darkened—/as it were, / the embers / of a bonfire / smouldering.

    그것은 붉고 뜨거웠으며, 가끔식 약간 어두워지기도 했다. 마치 큰 모닥불의 잔불이 살짝 타오르는 듯했다.

    ⦁ ember: 잔불
    – Only embers remained of the campfire (캠프파이어에는 잔불만 남았다).

    ⦁ smoulder: 서서히 타다
    – The fire was smouldering in the hearth (난로 속에서 불이 서서히 타고 있었다).
  3. For the life / of me / I could not think / what it might be.

    도저히 그것이 무엇인지 생각할 수 없었다.

  4. At last / I came / right down / upon the borders / of the clearing.

    마침내 나는 공터의 경계에 도착했다.

  5. The western end / was already steeped / in moonshine; / the rest, / and the block house / itself, / still lay / in a black shadow / chequered with long silvery streaks / of light.

    서쪽 끝은 이미 달빛에 잠겨 있었고, 나머지와 블록 하우스 자체는 여전히 길고 은색 줄무늬가 있는 검은 그림자에 놓여 있었다.

    ⦁ steeped: 잠긴
    – The fabric was steeped in dye (천은 염료에 잠겼다).

    ⦁ chequered: 체크 무늬
    – She wore a chequered dress (그녀는 체크무늬 드레스를 입었다).
  6. On the other side / of the house / an immense fire / had burned itself / into clear embers / and shed a steady, / red reverberation, / contrasted / strongly with / the mellow paleness / of the moon.

    집의 다른 쪽에서는 큰 불이 자신을 맑은 잔불로 태우고, 일정한 붉은 빛을 발산했다. 이는 달의 부드러운 창백함과 강하게 대비되었다.

    ⦁ immense: 거대한
    – The immense forest stretched for miles (거대한 숲이 몇 마일에 걸쳐 펼쳐져 있었다).

    ⦁ reverberation: 반향
    – The reverberation of his voice echoed in the hall (그의 목소리의 반향이 홀에서 메아리쳤다).
  7. There was / not a soul / stirring / nor a sound / beside the noises / of the breeze.

    미동도 하는 영혼 하나 없었고, 바람 소리 외에 아무 소리도 들리지 않았다.

    ⦁ soul: 영혼
    – Not a soul was seen on the street (거리에는 영혼 하나도 보이지 않았다).

    ⦁ breeze: 산들바람
    – The breeze was refreshing on a hot day (뜨거운 날에 산들바람이 시원하게 느껴졌다).
  8. I stopped, / with much wonder / in my heart, / and perhaps a little terror / also.

    나는 멈춰 섰고, 가슴에 많은 궁금증과 아마도 약간의 두려움을 안고 있었다.

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)