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TREASURE ISLAND 035 XXVII Pieces of Eight 009

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TREASURE ISLAND 035 – XXVII“Pieces of Eight” – 009

It had not been our way to build great fires; we were, indeed, by the captain’s orders, somewhat niggardly of firewood, and I began to fear that something had gone wrong while I was absent.

I stole round by the eastern end, keeping close in shadow, and at a convenient place, where the darkness was thickest, crossed the palisade.

To make assurance surer, I got upon my hands and knees and crawled, without a sound, towards the corner of the house.
As I drew nearer, my heart was suddenly and greatly lightened.
It is not a pleasant noise in itself, and I have often complained of it at other times, but just then it was like music to hear my friends snoring together so loud and peaceful in their sleep.
The sea-cry of the watch, that beautiful “All’s well,” never fell more reassuringly on my ear.

In the meantime, there was no doubt of one thing; they kept an infamous bad watch.
If it had been Silver and his lads that were now creeping in on them, not a soul would have seen daybreak.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. It had not been our way / to build great fires; / we were, / indeed, / by the captain’s orders, / somewhat niggardly of firewood, / and I began to fear / that something had gone wrong / while I was absent.

    우리는 큰 불을 피우지 않는 것이 평소의 방식이었다; 사실, 우리는 선장의 명령에 따라 장작을 절약하고 있었고, 나는 내가 없을 때 뭔가 잘못된 것 같다는 두려움이 들기 시작했다.

    ⦁ fear: 두려워하다
    – She began to fear the worst. (그녀는 최악을 두려워하기 시작했다.)

    ⦁ absent: 부재
    – He was absent from school yesterday. (그는 어제 학교에 없었다.)

  2. I stole round / by the eastern end, / keeping close / in shadow, / and at a convenient place, / where the darkness was thickest, / crossed the palisade.

    나는 동쪽 끝으로 몰래 돌아가면서 그림자 속에 바짝 붙어, 어둠이 가장 짙은 적합한 장소에서 팔리세이드를 건넜다.

    ⦁ shadow: 그림자
    – The cat hides in the shadow. (고양이가 그림자 속에 숨는다.)

    ⦁ convenient: 편리한
    – The store is in a convenient location. (상점은 편리한 위치에 있다.)

  3. To make assurance surer, / I got upon my hands and knees / and crawled, / without a sound, / towards the corner of the house.

    확신을 더욱 확고히 하기 위해, 나는 손과 무릎을 굴려 소리 없이 집 구석으로 기어갔다.

    ⦁ crawled: 기어가다
    – The baby crawled across the floor. (아기가 바닥을 기어갔다.)

    ⦁ assurance: 확신
    – He stood with assurance. (그는 확신을 가지고 서 있었다.)

  4. As I drew nearer, / my heart was suddenly / and greatly lightened.

    내가 더 가까이 다가가자, 내 마음이 갑자기 크게 가벼워졌다.

    ⦁ nearer: 더 가까이
    – She moved nearer to the window. (그녀는 창문에 가까이 다가갔다.)

    ⦁ lightened: 가벼워지다
    – Her mood lightened after the good news. (좋은 소식을 들은 후 그녀의 기분이 가벼워졌다.)

  5. It is not a pleasant noise / in itself, / and I have often complained of it / at other times, / but just then / it was like music / to hear my friends / snoring together / so loud and peaceful / in their sleep.

    그 소리는 스스로는 유쾌한 소리가 아니었고, 다른 때는 종종 그에 대해 불평했지만, 그 순간만큼은 내 친구들이 함께 크게 평온하게 코 고는 소리가 음악처럼 들렸다.

    ⦁ snoring: 코 고는 소리
    – His snoring kept me awake. (그의 코 고는 소리 때문에 나는 깨어있었다.)

    ⦁ peaceful: 평화로운
    – The town was peaceful and quiet. (그 마을은 평화롭고 조용했다.)

  6. The sea-cry of the watch, / that beautiful “All’s well,” / never fell more reassuringly / on my ear.

    그 아름다운 “모두 다 잘 있습니다”라는 감시원의 바다의 외침이 내 귀에 그 어느 때보다 더 안심시키게 들렸다.

    ⦁ reassuringly: 안심하게
    – She smiled reassuringly. (그녀는 안심하게 웃었다.)

    ⦁ beautiful: 아름다운
    – She has a beautiful voice. (그녀는 아름다운 목소리를 가지고 있다.)

  7. In the meantime, / there was no doubt / of one thing; / they kept an infamous bad watch.

    그 동안, 한 가지는 확실했다; 그들은 악명 높을 정도로 부주의한 경계를 하고 있었다.

    ⦁ infamous: 악명 높은
    – The place is infamous for its dangerous roads. (그 장소는 위험한 도로로 악명 높다.)

    ⦁ doubt: 의심
    – There is no doubt about it. (그것에 대해 의심의 여지가 없다.)

  8. If it had been Silver / and his lads / that were now creeping in on them, / not a soul / would have seen daybreak.

    지금 접근해 오는 것이 실버와 그의 부하들이었다면, 한 명도 새벽을 보지 못했을 것이다.

    ⦁ creeping: 살금살금 움직이다
    – The cat was creeping towards the mouse. (고양이는 쥐 쪽으로 살금살금 움직였다.)

    ⦁ soul: 영혼, 사람
    – There wasn’t a single soul in sight. (눈에 띄는 사람이 한 명도 없었다.)

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