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TREASURE ISLAND 035 – XXVII“Pieces of Eight” – 010
That was what it was, thought I, to have the captain wounded; and again I blamed myself sharply for leaving them in that danger with so few to mount guard.By this time I had got to the door and stood up.All was dark within, so that I could distinguish nothing by the eye.As for sounds, there was the steady drone of the snorers and a small occasional noise, a flickering or pecking that I could in no way account for.With my arms before me I walked steadily in.I should lie down in my own place (I thought with a silent chuckle) and enjoy their faces when they found me in the morning.My foot struck something yielding—it was a sleeper’s leg; and he turned and groaned, but without awaking.And then, all of a sudden, a shrill voice broke forth out of the darkness:“Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!” and so forth, without pause or change, like the clacking of a tiny mill.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
That was what it was, / thought I, / to have the captain wounded;and again / I blamed myself sharply / for leaving them / in that danger / with so few / to mount guard.
그렇다는 것이다, 나는 생각했다, 선장이 부상당할 정도로 심각한 상황에 있다는 것을;그리고 나는 다시 한 번 / 나 자신을 심하게 자책했다 / 그들을 떠난 것에 대해 / 그러한 위험 속에 / 지킬 사람이 너무 적은 상태로.
By this time / I had got to the door / and stood up.All was dark within, / so that I could / distinguish nothing / by the eye.As for sounds, / there was the steady drone / of the snorers / and a small occasional noise, / a flickering or pecking / that I could / in no way account for.
그 사이에 / 나는 문에 다다랐고 / 일어섰다.안에는 모든 것이 어두웠다, / 그래서 나는 / 아무것도 식별할 수 없었다 / 눈으로.소리를 말하자면, / 꾸준한 코 고는 소리가 있었다 / 그리고 작고 가끔씩 나는 소음이 있었는데, / 희미하거나 쪼는 소리였다 / 내가 / 도저히 설명할 수 없는.
With my arms before me / I walked steadily in.I should lie down / in my own place (I thought / with a silent chuckle) / and enjoy their faces / when they found me / in the morning.
팔을 앞으로 뻗고 / 나는 꾸준히 안으로 걸어갔다. 나는 누워야 한다 / 내 자리에서 (나는 생각했다 / 조용히 웃으며) / 그리고 그들의 얼굴을 보며 즐겨야 한다 / 그들이 나를 발견했을 때 / 아침에.
My foot struck / something yielding—it was a sleeper’s leg; / and he turned and groaned, / but without awaking.And then, / all of a sudden, / a shrill voice / broke forth / out of the darkness:“Pieces of eight! / Pieces of eight! / Pieces of eight! / Pieces of eight! / Pieces of eight!”and so forth, / without pause or change, / like the clacking of a tiny mill.
내 발이 / 무언가에 부딪혔다—그것은 잠자는 사람의 다리였다; / 그는 뒤척이며 신음했다, / 하지만 깨어나지 않았다.그리고 그 순간, / 갑자기, / 날카로운 목소리가 / 터져 나왔다 / 어둠 속에서:“Pieces of eight! / Pieces of eight! / Pieces of eight! / Pieces of eight! / Pieces of eight!”그리고 이어졌다, / 멈춤이나 변화 없이, / 작은 방앗간의 딱딱거리는 소리처럼.
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