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TREASURE ISLAND 035 XXVII Pieces of Eight 011

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TREASURE ISLAND 035 – XXVII“Pieces of Eight” – 011

Silver’s green parrot, Captain Flint! It was she whom I had heard pecking at a piece of bark; it was she, keeping better watch than any human being, who thus announced my arrival with her wearisome refrain.

I had no time left me to recover.
At the sharp, clipping tone of the parrot, the sleepers awoke and sprang up; and with a mighty oath, the voice of Silver cried, “Who goes?”

I turned to run, struck violently against one person, recoiled, and ran full into the arms of a second, who for his part closed upon and held me tight.

“Bring a torch, Dick,” said Silver when my capture was thus assured.

And one of the men left the log-house and presently returned with a lighted brand.


❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Silver’s green parrot, / Captain Flint! / It was she / whom I had heard / pecking at a piece of bark; / it was she, / keeping better watch / than any human being, / who thus announced my arrival / with her wearisome refrain.

    실버의 녹색 앵무새, / 캡틴 플린트! / 나무 껍질을 쪼는 소리를 / 내가 들은 것은 그녀였다; / 바로 그녀가 / 사람보다 더 나은 감시를 하며 / 지루한 후렴구로 / 나의 도착을 알렸다.

  2. ⦁ parrot: 앵무새
    – The parrot mimics human speech accurately. (그 앵무새는 사람 말을 정확하게 흉내낸다.)

    ⦁ refrain: 후렴구, 반복되는 말
    – The refrain of the song is very catchy. (그 노래의 후렴구는 매우 인상적이다.)

  3. I had no time / left me / to recover.

    회복할 / 시간이 / 내게 남아 있지 않았다.

  4. ⦁ recover: 회복하다
    – He took several weeks to recover from the illness. (그는 병에서 회복하는 데 몇 주가 걸렸다.)

    ⦁ left: 남아있다
    – There was no food left in the fridge. (냉장고에 남아 있는 음식이 없었다.)

  5. At the sharp, clipping tone / of the parrot, / the sleepers awoke and sprang up; / and with a mighty oath, / the voice of Silver cried, / “Who goes?”

    앵무새의 날카롭고 빠른 톤에 / 잠자던 사람들이 깨어나 벌떡 일어났다; / 그리고 거친 욕설과 함께 / 실버의 목소리가 외쳤다, / “누구냐?”

  6. ⦁ sprang: 벌떡 일어섰다
    – The cat sprang onto the table. (고양이가 탁자 위로 뛰어올랐다.)

    ⦁ oath: 맹세, 욕설
    – He swore an oath to serve his country. (그는 자신의 나라를 섬기겠다고 맹세했다.)

  7. I turned to run, / struck violently against one person, / recoiled, / and ran full into the arms of a second, / who for his part closed upon / and held me tight.

    도망치려고 / 돌아서다가 한 사람에게 강하게 부딪쳤다, / 반사적으로 움찔했고, / 그리고 두 번째 사람의 품에 / 완전히 안겨버렸다, / 그 사람은 다가와 / 나를 꽉 붙잡았다.

  8. ⦁ violently: 격렬하게
    – The storm shook the house violently. (폭풍이 집을 심하게 흔들었다.)

    ⦁ recoiled: 움찔하다
    – The snake recoiled in fear. (뱀이 공포에 움찔했다.)

  9. “Bring a torch, / Dick,” / said Silver / when my capture was thus assured.

    “횃불을 가져오너라, / 딕,” / 실버가 말했다 / 내가 잡혔음이 확신되었을 때.

  10. ⦁ assured: 확신된
    – She assured us of her confidence. (그녀는 우리에게 자신감을 보였다.)

    ⦁ capture: 잡다, 체포하다
    – The police managed to capture the thief. (경찰은 도둑을 잡는 데 성공했다.)

  11. And one of the men / left the log-house / and presently returned / with a lighted brand.

    그리고 한 사람이 / 통나무 집을 / 나갔다가 / 불붙은 횃불을 들고 돌아왔다.

  12. ⦁ presently: 곧, 이윽고
    – He will be here presently. (그는 곧 여기 올 것이다.)

    ⦁ brand: 횃불
    – They used a brand to illuminate the cave. (그들은 동굴을 밝히기 위해 횃불을 사용했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)