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TREASURE ISLAND 037 XXVIIIIn the Enemy s Camp 002

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

TREASURE ISLAND 037 – XXVIIIIn the Enemy’s Camp – 002

He still wore the fine broadcloth suit in which he had fulfilled his mission, but it was bitterly the worse for wear, daubed with clay and torn with the sharp briers of the wood.

“So,” said he, “here’s Jim Hawkins, shiver my timbers! Dropped in, like, eh? Well, come, I take that friendly.”

And thereupon he sat down across the brandy cask and began to fill a pipe.

“Give me a loan of the link, Dick,” said he; and then, when he had a good light, “That’ll do, lad,” he added; “stick the glim in the wood heap; and you, gentlemen, bring yourselves to! You needn’t stand up for Mr.
Hawkins; he’ll excuse you, you may lay to that.
And so, Jim”—stopping the tobacco—“here you were, and quite a pleasant surprise for poor old John.
I see you were smart when first I set my eyes on you, but this here gets away from me clean, it do.”

To all this, as may be well supposed, I made no answer.
They had set me with my back against the wall, and I stood there, looking Silver in the face, pluckily enough, I hope, to all outward appearance, but with black despair in my heart.

Silver took a whiff or two of his pipe with great composure and then ran on again.

“Now, you see, Jim, so be as you are here,” says he, “I’ll give you a piece of my mind.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. He still wore / the fine broadcloth suit / in which he had fulfilled / his mission, / but it was bitterly the worse for wear, / daubed with clay / and torn with the sharp briers of the wood.

    그는 여전히 그의 임무를 수행했던 멋진 모직옷을 입고 있었고, 옷은 진흙으로 얼룩지고 숲의 날카로운 가시에 찢겨서 상태가 매우 나빠졌다.

  2. ⦁ broadcloth: 모직 옷감
    – The man wore a broadcloth jacket. (그 남자는 모직 재킷을 입고 있었다.)

    ⦁ brier: 가시나무
    – She got caught in the brier. (그녀는 가시나무에 걸렸다.)

  3. “So,” / said he, / “here’s Jim Hawkins, / shiver my timbers! / Dropped in, / like, eh? / Well, / come, / I take that friendly.”

    “그래,” 그가 말했다. “여기 짐 호킨스가, 깜짝이야! 잠깐 들렀나 보군, 그렇지? 글쎄, 그건 반갑군.”

  4. ⦁ shiver: 떨다
    – She started to shiver in the cold wind. (그녀는 찬 바람에 떨기 시작했다.)

    ⦁ friendly: 친근한
    – He greeted me in a friendly manner. (그는 친근한 태도로 나를 맞아주었다.)

  5. And thereupon / he sat down / across the brandy cask / and began to fill / a pipe.

    그리고 나서 그는 브랜디 통 옆에 앉아 파이프를 채우기 시작했다.

  6. ⦁ brandy: 브랜디(술)
    – He poured himself a glass of brandy. (그는 자신에게 브랜디 한 잔을 따랐다.)

    ⦁ pipe: 파이프
    – He smoked a pipe after dinner. (그는 저녁 식사 후 파이프를 피웠다.)

  7. “Give me a loan / of the link, Dick,” / said he; / and then, / when he had a good light, / “That’ll do, lad,” / he added; / “stick the glim / in the wood heap; / and you, gentlemen, bring yourselves to! / You needn’t stand up for Mr. / Hawkins; / he’ll excuse you, you may lay to that.

    “디크, 불 좀 빌려줘,” 그가 말했다. 그리고 좋은 불빛이 생기자, “그거면 돼, 친구,” 그가 덧붙였다. “나무 더미에 불을 꽂아; 그리고 신사분들, 자리를 잡으세요! 하킨스 씨에게 자리 양보할 필요 없어, 그는 이해해 줄 테니까.

  8. ⦁ loan: 빌려주다
    – Could you loan me a pen? (펜을 빌려줄 수 있나요?)

    ⦁ heap: 더미
    – There was a heap of clothes on the floor. (바닥에는 옷 더미가 쌓여 있었다.)

  9. And so, Jim”—stopping the tobacco—“here you were, / and quite a pleasant surprise for poor old John. / I see you were smart / when first I set my eyes on you, / but this here gets away from me clean, / it do.

    그렇게 짐 — 담뱃잎을 멈추며 — “여기 있었군, 가여운 늙은 존에게는 놀라운 일이야. 처음 봤을 때 네가 영리하다고 생각했는데, 이것참 안 되겠구나, 그렇다네.

  10. ⦁ surprise: 놀라움
    – She had a surprise party for her birthday. (그녀는 생일을 맞아 깜짝 파티를 열었다.)

    ⦁ smart: 영리한
    – He’s a smart student. (그는 영리한 학생이다.)

  11. To all this, / as may be well supposed, / I made no answer. / They had set me / with my back against the wall, / and I stood there, / looking Silver in the face, / pluckily enough, I hope, / to all outward appearance, / but with black despair in my heart.

    이 모든 것에 대해, 예상할 수 있듯이, 나는 아무 대답도 하지 않았다. 그들은 나를 벽에 등을 대고 세웠고, 나는 그곳에 서서 실버의 얼굴을 바라보았다. 겉모습으로는 용감하게 보였기를 바라지만, 마음속은 절망으로 가득 차 있었다.

  12. ⦁ pluckily: 씩씩하게
    – She faced the challenge pluckily. (그녀는 그 도전에 씩씩하게 맞섰다.)

    ⦁ despair: 절망
    – He fell into deep despair. (그는 깊은 절망에 빠졌다.)

  13. Silver took a whiff / or two of his pipe / with great composure / and then ran on again.

    실버는 파이프를 한 모금 들이마신 뒤, 침착하게 다시 이야기를 시작했다.

  14. ⦁ whiff: 한 모금
    – He took a whiff of the fresh air. (그는 신선한 공기를 한 모금 들이마셨다.)

    ⦁ composure: 침착
    – She maintained her composure throughout the interview. (그녀는 면접 내내 침착함을 유지했다.)

  15. “Now, you see, Jim, / so be as you are here,” / says he, / “I’ll give you a piece of my mind.

    “자, 짐, 네가 여기 있는 걸 봤으니,” 그는 말했다. “내 생각을 말해주지.”

  16. ⦁ mind: 생각
    – Do you mind if I join you? (내가 함께해도 괜찮을까요?)

    ⦁ piece: 조각
    – She broke a piece of bread. (그녀는 빵을 한 조각 떼었다.)

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