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TREASURE ISLAND 038 – XXIXThe Black Spot Again – 001
he council of buccaneers had lasted some time, when one of them re-entered the house, and with a repetition of the same salute, which had in my eyes an ironical air, begged for a moment’s loan of the torch.Silver briefly agreed, and this emissary retired again, leaving us together in the dark.“There’s a breeze coming, Jim,” said Silver, who had by this time adopted quite a friendly and familiar tone.I turned to the loophole nearest me and looked out.The embers of the great fire had so far burned themselves out and now glowed so low and duskily that I understood why these conspirators desired a torch.About half-way down the slope to the stockade, they were collected in a group; one held the light, another was on his knees in their midst, and I saw the blade of an open knife shine in his hand with varying colours in the moon and torchlight.The rest were all somewhat stooping, as though watching the manoeuvres of this last.I could just make out that he had a book as well as a knife in his hand, and was still wondering how anything so incongruous had come in their possession when the kneeling figure rose once more to his feet and the whole party began to move together towards the house.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The council of buccaneers / had lasted some time, / when one of them / re-entered the house, / and with a repetition / of the same salute, / which had in my eyes / an ironical air, / begged for a moment’s loan / of the torch.
해적들의 회의가 / 잠시 계속되었을 때, / 그들 중 한 명이 / 다시 집으로 들어와 / 같은 경례를 반복하며, / 내 눈에는 / 비꼬는 것처럼 보였고, / 잠시 동안 / 횃불을 빌릴 수 있겠느냐고 / 부탁했다.
Silver briefly agreed, / and this emissary retired again, / leaving us together / in the dark.
실버는 잠시 동의했고, / 이 사자는 다시 물러나, / 우리를 어둠 속에 / 남겨두었다.
“There’s a breeze coming, / Jim,” said Silver, / who had by this time / adopted quite a friendly / and familiar tone.
“바람이 불어오고 있어, / 짐,” 실버가 말했다, / 이즈음에는 꽤 친근하고 / 익숙한 어조로.
I turned / to the loophole nearest me / and looked out.
나는 가장 가까운 구멍으로 / 돌아서 / 밖을 내다보았다.
The embers / of the great fire / had so far burned themselves out / and now glowed / so low and duskily / that I understood / why these conspirators / desired a torch.
큰 불의 / 잔불들이 / 이제까지 타서 꺼져가고 / 이제는 / 낮고 어둡게 / 빛나서 / 왜 이 음모자들이 / 횃불을 원했는지 / 이해했다.
About half-way / down the slope / to the stockade, / they were collected / in a group; / one held the light, / another was on his knees / in their midst, / and I saw / the blade / of an open knife / shine in his hand / with varying colours / in the moon and torchlight.
대략 중간쯤 / 경사면 아래 / 울타리 쪽으로, / 그들은 모여 있었다 / 한 그룹으로; / 한 명이 빛을 들고 있었고, / 다른 한 명은 무릎을 꿇고 / 그들 가운데, / 나는 보았다 / 칼날 / 벌려진 칼이 / 그의 손에 반짝이는 걸 / 여러 가지 색으로 / 달빛과 횃불 빛 속에서.
The rest / were all / somewhat stooping, / as though watching / the manoeuvres / of this last.
나머지 사람들은 / 모두 / 다소 몸을 구부리고 있었다, / 마치 보고 있는 것처럼 / 마지막 사람의 / 동작을.
I could just make out / that he had a book / as well as a knife / in his hand, / and was still wondering / how anything so incongruous / had come in their possession / when the kneeling figure / rose once more / to his feet / and the whole party / began to move together / towards the house.
나는 겨우 / 그가 책을 가지고 있다는 것을 알아차렸다 / 칼뿐만 아니라 / 그의 손에, / 그리고 계속 궁금해했다 / 어떻게 그렇게 일치하지 않는 것이 / 그들의 소유에 왔는지를 / 무릎 꿇은 사람이 / 다시 한 번 / 일어섰을 때 / 그리고 전체 그룹이 / 함께 움직이기 시작했다 / 집 쪽으로.
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