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TREASURE ISLAND 039 – XXXOn Parole – 007

It seemed to me so obvious, in this case, that I could not imagine how he was to turn their anger.
But he was twice the man the rest were, and his last night’s victory had given him a huge preponderance on their minds.
He called them all the fools and dolts you can imagine, said it was necessary I should talk to the doctor, fluttered the chart in their faces, asked them if they could afford to break the treaty the very day they were bound a-treasure-hunting.

“No, by thunder!” he cried.
“It’s us must break the treaty when the time comes; and till then I’ll gammon that doctor, if I have to ile his boots with brandy.”

And then he bade them get the fire lit, and stalked out upon his crutch, with his hand on my shoulder, leaving them in a disarray, and silenced by his volubility rather than convinced.

“Slow, lad, slow,” he said.
“They might round upon us in a twinkle of an eye if we was seen to hurry.”

Very deliberately, then, did we advance across the sand to where the doctor awaited us on the other side of the stockade, and as soon as we were within easy speaking distance Silver stopped.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. It seemed to me / so obvious, / in this case, / that I could not imagine / how he was to turn / their anger.

    이 경우에는 너무 명백해서, 그가 어떻게 그들의 분노를 달랠 수 있을지 상상도 할 수 없었다.

  2. ⦁ imagine: 상상하다
    – I can’t imagine living without a phone. (나는 전화기 없이 사는 것을 상상할 수 없다.)

    ⦁ anger: 분노
    – His words ignited her anger. (그의 말이 그녀의 분노를 일으켰다.)

  3. But he was / twice the man / the rest were, / and his last night’s victory / had given him / a huge preponderance / on their minds.

    하지만 그는 나머지 사람들보다 두 배는 더 뛰어났고, 그가 지난 밤에 거둔 승리는 그들의 마음에 큰 영향력을 주었다.

  4. ⦁ victory: 승리
    – The team celebrated their victory. (팀은 그들의 승리를 축하했다.)

    ⦁ preponderance: 우세
    – There is a preponderance of evidence against him. (그에 대한 증거가 많다.)

  5. He called them / all the fools and dolts / you can imagine, / said it was necessary / I should talk to the doctor, / fluttered the chart in their faces, / asked them / if they could afford / to break the treaty / the very day / they were bound / a-treasure-hunting.

    그는 그들을 상상할 수 있는 온갖 바보라고 불렀고, 내가 의사와 이야기해야 한다고 말했다. 그리고 그들의 얼굴 앞에서 차트를 흔들며 그들이 바로 그날 보물을 찾으러 가는 날에 조약을 깰 수 있는지 물었다.

  6. ⦁ necessary: 필요한
    – It is necessary to get a permit. (허가를 받는 것이 필요하다.)

    ⦁ treasure: 보물
    – They found a hidden treasure. (그들은 숨겨진 보물을 발견했다.)

  7. “No, by thunder!” / he cried. / “It’s us must break the treaty / when the time comes; / and till then / I’ll gammon that doctor, / if I have to ile / his boots with brandy.”

    “아니, 천둥같이!” 그가 외쳤다. “우리가 조약을 깰 때는 시간이 되면 되겠고, 그때까지 난 그 의사를 속일 것이다, 내가 그의 부츠를 브랜디로 닦아야 한다면.”

  8. ⦁ treaty: 조약
    – The peace treaty was signed. (평화 조약이 체결되었다.)

    ⦁ brandy: 브랜디
    – He drank a glass of brandy. (그는 브랜디 한 잔을 마셨다.)

  9. And then / he bade them / get the fire lit, / and stalked out / upon his crutch, / with his hand / on my shoulder, / leaving them / in a disarray, / and silenced / by his volubility / rather than convinced.

    그리고 나서 그는 그들에게 불을 지피라고 명령하고, 목발을 짚고 나와 내 어깨에 손을 올리고 그들을 혼란 속에 남겨두고, 그의 말이 많아서 조용해졌을 뿐 설득된 것은 아니었다.

  10. ⦁ crutch: 목발
    – He walked with a crutch. (그는 목발을 짚고 걸었다.)

    ⦁ volubility: 수다스러움
    – Her volubility was impressive. (그녀의 수다스러움은 인상적이었다.)

  11. “Slow, lad, slow,” / he said. / “They might round / upon us / in a twinkle of an eye / if we was seen / to hurry.”
    Very deliberately, / then, / did we advance / across the sand / to where the doctor / awaited us / on the other side / of the stockade, / and as soon as / we were within / easy speaking distance / Silver stopped.

    “천천히 해, 친구, 천천히,” 그가 말했다. “그들이 우리가 서두르는 것을 본다면 눈 깜짝할 사이에 우리를 반격할지도 몰라.”
    그러고 나서 우리는 의사가 우리를 기다리고 있던 목책의 반대편으로 모래를 가로질러 아주 신중하게 앞으로 나아갔고, 대화할 수 있는 거리에 도달하자마자 실버가 멈췄다.

  12. ⦁ deliberate: 신중한
    – His deliberate actions showed his caution. (그의 신중한 행동은 그의 조심성을 보여줬다.)

    ⦁ advance: 나아가다
    – They advanced to the next level. (그들은 다음 단계로 나아갔다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)