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TREASURE ISLAND 039 – XXXOn Parole – 008
“You’ll make a note of this here also, doctor,” says he, “and the boy’ll tell you how I saved his life, and were deposed for it too, and you may lay to that.Doctor, when a man’s steering as near the wind as me—playing chuck-farthing with the last breath in his body, like—you wouldn’t think it too much, mayhap, to give him one good word? You’ll please bear in mind it’s not my life only now—it’s that boy’s into the bargain; and you’ll speak me fair, doctor, and give me a bit o’ hope to go on, for the sake of mercy.”Silver was a changed man once he was out there and had his back to his friends and the block house; his cheeks seemed to have fallen in, his voice trembled; never was a soul more dead in earnest.“Why, John, you’re not afraid?” asked Dr.Livesey.“Doctor, I’m no coward; no, not I—not so much!” and he snapped his fingers.“If I was I wouldn’t say it.But I’ll own up fairly, I’ve the shakes upon me for the gallows.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
“You’ll make a note of this / here also, doctor,” / says he, / “and the boy’ll tell you how / I saved his life, / and were deposed for it too, / and you may lay to that.
“이것도 여기 기록해 둘 겁니다, 박사님,” 그는 말했다. “그리고 이 소년이 어떻게 제가 그의 생명을 구했고, 그로 인해 쫓겨났는지 말해줄 겁니다. 그건 분명히 사실입니다.
Doctor, / when a man’s steering / as near the wind as me—/ playing chuck-farthing / with the last breath / in his body, like—/ you wouldn’t think it too much, mayhap, / to give him one good word?
박사님, / 제가 마치 / 마지막 숨결을 가지고 / 판돈을 거는 것처럼 / 바람에 가까이 조종하고 있다면요, / 그에게 한 마디 좋은 말을 해주는 것이 / 너무 많다 생각지 않으시겠죠?
You’ll please bear in mind / it’s not my life only now—/ it’s that boy’s into the bargain; / and you’ll speak me fair, doctor, / and give me a bit o’ hope to go on, / for the sake of mercy.
제발 명심해 주세요, / 지금은 제 목숨만이 아니라 / 저 소년의 목숨도 걸려 있음을요; / 제발 공정하게 말해 주시고, / 자비를 베풀어 저에게 / 조금의 희망을 주십시오.
Silver was a changed man / once he was out there / and had his back to his friends / and the block house; / his cheeks seemed to have fallen in, / his voice trembled; / never was a soul more dead in earnest.
실버는 / 그가 그곳에 나가서 / 친구들과 벽돌집에 등을 돌리자마자 / 달라진 사람이 되었다; / 그의 뺨은 꺼져 보였고, / 그의 목소리는 떨렸다; / 그처럼 진지한 영혼은 없었다.
“Why, John, / you’re not afraid?” asked Dr. Livesey.
“아니, 존, / 당신은 두렵지 않습니까?” / 라이브시 박사가 물었다.
“Doctor, / I’m no coward; / no, not I—not so much!” / and he snapped his fingers. / “If I was / I wouldn’t say it.
“박사님, / 저는 겁쟁이가 아닙니다; / 아니요, 결코 그렇지 않아요!” / 그리고 그는 손가락을 튕겼다. / “만약 제가 겁쟁이라면 / 그것을 말하지 않았을 겁니다.
But I’ll own up fairly, / I’ve the shakes upon me / for the gallows.
하지만 솔직히 인정하건대, / 교수대에 오를 생각에 / 떨고 있습니다.
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