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TREASURE ISLAND 040 – XXXIThe Treasure-hunt—Flint’s Pointer – 008
The party spread itself abroad, in a fan shape, shouting and leaping to and fro.About the centre, and a good way behind the rest, Silver and I followed—I tethered by my rope, he ploughing, with deep pants, among the sliding gravel.From time to time, indeed, I had to lend him a hand, or he must have missed his footing and fallen backward down the hill.We had thus proceeded for about half a mile and were approaching the brow of the plateau when the man upon the farthest left began to cry aloud, as if in terror.Shout after shout came from him, and the others began to run in his direction.“He can’t ’a found the treasure,” said old Morgan, hurrying past us from the right, “for that’s clean a-top.”Indeed, as we found when we also reached the spot, it was something very different.At the foot of a pretty big pine and involved in a green creeper, which had even partly lifted some of the smaller bones, a human skeleton lay, with a few shreds of clothing, on the ground.I believe a chill struck for a moment to every heart.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The party spread itself / abroad, / in a fan shape, / shouting and leaping / to and fro.
그 무리는 팬 모양으로 퍼지며 / 소리를 지르고 뛰어다녔다.
About the centre, / and a good way behind the rest, / Silver and I followed /—I tethered by my rope, / he ploughing, / with deep pants, / among the sliding gravel.
중심 부근에서 / 나머지 무리보다 훨씬 뒤에서 / Silver와 내가 따라갔다 / 나는 내 밧줄에 묶여 있었고 / 그는 헐떡이며 / 미끄러지는 자갈 사이를 헤치고 있었다.
From time to time, / indeed, / I had to lend him a hand, / or he must have missed his footing / and fallen backward down the hill.
때때로 / 정말로 / 나는 그를 도와주어야 했다, / 그렇지 않으면 그는 발을 헛디뎠을 것이고 / 뒤로 넘어져 언덕 아래로 떨어졌을 것이다.
We had thus proceeded / for about half a mile / and were approaching the brow of the plateau / when the man upon the farthest left / began to cry aloud, / as if in terror.
우리는 이렇게 해서 / 약 반 마일 정도 나아갔고 / 고원의 언덕에 다다르려 할 때 / 가장 왼쪽에 있던 남자가 / 갑자기 소리를 지르기 시작했다, / 마치 공포에 질린 듯이.
Shout after shout / came from him, / and the others / began to run / in his direction.
그 남자의 / 외침이 계속 나왔고, / 다른 사람들은 / 그쪽으로 / 달리기 시작했다.
“He can’t ‘a found the treasure,” / said old Morgan, / hurrying past us / from the right, / “for that’s clean a-top.”
“그가 보물을 찾았을 리 없어,” / 고참 Morgan이 말했다, / 우리를 지나치며 / 오른쪽에서, / “보물은 꼭대기에 있잖아.”
Indeed, / as we found / when we also reached the spot, / it was something very different.
정말로, / 우리가 그 자리에도 도착했을 때 / 발견한 것은, / 매우 다른 것이었다.
At the foot / of a pretty big pine / and involved / in a green creeper, / which had / even partly lifted / some of the smaller bones, / a human skeleton lay, / with a few shreds of clothing, / on the ground.
꽤 큰 소나무 밑에 / 얽혀 있는 / 녹색 덩굴에, / 그 덩굴이 일부 작은 뼈를 / 들어 올리기도 한, / 인간의 해골이 누워 있었다, / 옷의 몇 가닥 조각과 함께, / 땅에.
I believe / a chill struck / for a moment / to every heart.
나는 믿는다 / 순간적으로 / 모든 사람의 마음에 / 차가운 기운이 들었다고.
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