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TREASURE ISLAND 041 – XXXIIThe Treasure-hunt—The Voice Among the Trees – 009
So with the second.The third rose nearly two hundred feet into the air above a clump of underwood—a giant of a vegetable, with a red column as big as a cottage, and a wide shadow around in which a company could have manoeuvred.It was conspicuous far to sea both on the east and west and might have been entered as a sailing mark upon the chart.But it was not its size that now impressed my companions; it was the knowledge that seven hundred thousand pounds in gold lay somewhere buried below its spreading shadow.The thought of the money, as they drew nearer, swallowed up their previous terrors.Their eyes burned in their heads; their feet grew speedier and lighter; their whole soul was bound up in that fortune, that whole lifetime of extravagance and pleasure, that lay waiting there for each of them.Silver hobbled, grunting, on his crutch; his nostrils stood out and quivered; he cursed like a madman when the flies settled on his hot and shiny countenance; he plucked furiously at the line that held me to him and from time to time turned his eyes upon me with a deadly look.Certainly he took no pains to hide his thoughts, and certainly I read them like print.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
So with the second.
두 번째도 마찬가지였다.
The third rose / nearly two hundred feet / into the air / above a clump of underwood / – a giant of a vegetable, / with a red column / as big as a cottage, / and a wide shadow / around in which / a company / could have manoeuvred.
세 번째 식물은 작은 나무 덤불 위로 약 200피트까지 하늘로 솟아난 거대한 식물이었으며, / 집만한 붉은 기둥을 가지고 있었고 / 주변에는 한 무리의 사람들이 / 움직일 수 있는 넓은 그림자가 드리워져 있었다.
It was conspicuous / far to sea / both on the east and west / and might have been entered / as a sailing mark / upon the chart.
그것은 동쪽과 서쪽의 먼 바다에서도 눈에 띄었으며 / 항해 경로표에 / 표시될 만큼이었다.
But it was not its size / that now impressed my companions; / it was the knowledge / that seven hundred thousand pounds in gold / lay somewhere / buried below its spreading shadow.
그러나 이제 내 동료들에게 감명을 준 것은 / 그것의 크기가 아니라; / 70만 파운드의 금이 / 그 넓은 그림자 아래 어딘가에 묻혀 있다는 사실이었다.
The thought of the money, / as they drew nearer, / swallowed up their previous terrors.
돈 생각이 가까이 다가가면서 / 그들의 이전 공포들을 삼켜버렸다.
Their eyes burned / in their heads; / their feet grew speedier and lighter; / their whole soul / was bound up in that fortune, / that whole lifetime / of extravagance and pleasure, / that lay waiting there / for each of them.
그들의 눈은 머릿속에서 불타올랐다; / 그들의 발걸음은 더 빨라지고 가벼워졌다; / 그들의 영혼 전체가 / 그 재산에 묶여 있었고, / 그들 모두를 기다리고 있는 / 일생의 사치와 쾌락이 / 그곳에 있었기 때문이었다.
Silver hobbled, / grunting, / on his crutch; / his nostrils stood out / and quivered; / he cursed / like a madman / when the flies settled / on his hot and shiny countenance; / he plucked furiously / at the line / that held me to him / and from time to time / turned his eyes upon me / with a deadly look.
실버는 목발을 짚고, / 끙끙거리며 절뚝거리며 다가왔다; / 그의 콧구멍은 두드러졌고, / 떨렸다; / 그는 미친 사람처럼 / 파리들이 그의 뜨거운 반짝이는 얼굴에 / 앉을 때마다 욕설을 퍼부었다; / 그는 그 줄을 격렬하게 잡아당겼고, / 그 줄은 / 나를 그에게 묶고 있었으며, / 때때로 / 나를 치명적인 눈빛으로 쳐다보았다.
Certainly he took no pains / to hide his thoughts, / and certainly I read them / like print.
그는 분명히 자신의 생각을 숨기려 노력하지 않았으며, / 나는 분명히 그것들을 인쇄물처럼 읽을 수 있었다.
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