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TREASURE ISLAND 041 – XXXIIThe Treasure-hunt—The Voice Among the Trees – 011
And suddenly, not ten yards further, we beheld them stop.A low cry arose.Silver doubled his pace, digging away with the foot of his crutch like one possessed; and next moment he and I had come also to a dead halt.Before us was a great excavation, not very recent, for the sides had fallen in and grass had sprouted on the bottom.In this were the shaft of a pick broken in two and the boards of several packing-cases strewn around.On one of these boards I saw, branded with a hot iron, the name Walrus—the name of Flint’s ship.All was clear to probation.The cache had been found and rifled; the seven hundred thousand pounds were gone!.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
And suddenly, / not ten yards further, / we beheld them stop. / A low cry arose.
그리고 갑자기, / 열 야드도 안 되는 거리에, / 그들이 멈추는 것을 보았습니다. / 낮은 울음소리가 들렸습니다.
Silver doubled his pace, / digging away / with the foot / of his crutch / like one possessed;
실버는 속도를 두 배로 내고, / 그의 목발을 / 발로 / 땅을 파기 시작했습니다, / 마치 홀린 것처럼;
and next moment / he and I / had come also / to a dead halt.
그리고 다음 순간, / 그와 나는 / 역시 / 완전히 멈췄습니다.
Before us / was a great excavation, / not very recent, / for the sides / had fallen in / and grass / had sprouted / on the bottom.
우리 앞에는 / 대규모의 발굴지가 있었습니다, / 최근 것은 아니었고, / 양 옆은 / 무너져 있었고 / 풀은 / 자라고 있었습니다 / 바닥에.
In this were / the shaft of a pick / broken in two / and the boards / of several packing-cases / strewn around.
여기에는 / 한 곡괭이의 손잡이 / 두 동강난 / 그리고 여러 개의 포장 상자 판자들이 / 흩어져 있었습니다.
On one of these boards / I saw, / branded with a hot iron, / the name Walrus—the name / of Flint’s ship.
이 판자들 중 하나에서 / 나는 보았습니다, / 뜨거운 철로 낙인 찍혀진, / 월러스라는 이름을—플린트의 배의 이름입니다.
All was clear / to probation. / The cache / had been found / and rifled; / the seven hundred thousand pounds / were gone!
모든 것이 명백해졌습니다 / 심문을 위해. / 숨겨진 장소는 / 발견되었고 / 약탈당했습니다; / 70만 파운드가 / 사라졌습니다!
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