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TREASURE ISLAND 042 XXXIIIThe Fall of a Chieftain 004

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

TREASURE ISLAND 042 – XXXIIIThe Fall of a Chieftain – 004

But just then—crack! crack! crack!—three musket-shots flashed out of the thicket.
Merry tumbled head foremost into the excavation; the man with the bandage spun round like a teetotum and fell all his length upon his side, where he lay dead, but still twitching; and the other three turned and ran for it with all their might.

Before you could wink, Long John had fired two barrels of a pistol into the struggling Merry, and as the man rolled up his eyes at him in the last agony, “George,” said he, “I reckon I settled you.”

At the same moment, the doctor, Gray, and Ben Gunn joined us, with smoking muskets, from among the nutmeg-trees.

“Forward!” cried the doctor.
“Double quick, my lads.
We must head ’em off the boats.”

And we set off at a great pace, sometimes plunging through the bushes to the chest.

I tell you, but Silver was anxious to keep up with us.
The work that man went through, leaping on his crutch till the muscles of his chest were fit to burst, was work no sound man ever equalled; and so thinks the doctor.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. But just then—crack! crack! crack!—three musket-shots /flashed out /of the thicket.

    그때 바로—펑! 펑! 펑!—세 발의 총성이 숲속에서 울려 퍼졌다.

  2. ⦁ musket-shot: 머스킷 총성
    – The musket-shot echoed through the valley (머스킷 총성이 계곡에 울려 퍼졌다).

    ⦁ thicket: 덤불
    – They hid in the thicket to avoid being seen (그들은 보이지 않기 위해 덤불 속에 숨었다).

  3. Merry tumbled /head foremost /into the excavation; /the man /with the bandage /spun round /like a teetotum /and fell /all his length /upon his side, /where he lay dead, /but still twitching; /and the other three /turned and ran /for it /with all their might.

    메리는 머리부터 굴러서 굴착지로 떨어졌고; 붕대를 한 남자는 팽이처럼 빙글 돌며 옆으로 넘어졌으며, 죽었지만 여전히 경련을 하고 있었다; 다른 세 사람은 전속력으로 달아났다.

  4. ⦁ tumble: 굴러 떨어지다
    – He tumbled down the stairs and hurt his leg (그는 계단에서 굴러 떨어져 다리를 다쳤다).

    ⦁ bandage: 붕대
    – She wrapped a bandage around his wound (그녀는 그의 상처에 붕대를 감았다).

  5. Before you could wink, /Long John had fired /two barrels /of a pistol /into the struggling Merry, /and as the man /rolled up /his eyes /at him /in the last agony, /“George,” /said he, /“I reckon /I settled you.”

    눈 깜짝할 사이에, 롱 존은 메리를 향해 권총 두 발을 쏘았고, 마지막 기로에 놓인 남자가 롱 존을 보며 눈을 굴렸을 때, “조지,”라고 말했다. “내가 네 일을 끝냈다고 생각해.”

  6. ⦁ struggle: 몸부림치다
    – He struggled to free himself from the ropes (그는 밧줄에서 자신을 풀어내려고 몸부림쳤다).

    ⦁ agony: 극심한 고통
    – She was in agony after the accident (그녀는 사고 후 극심한 고통을 겪었다).

  7. At the same moment, /the doctor, /Gray, /and Ben Gunn /joined us, /with smoking muskets, /from among the nutmeg-trees.

    그와 동시에, 의사, 그레이, 벤 건은 머스크를 겨자 나무들 사이에서 발사하며 우리와 합류했다.

  8. ⦁ join: 합류하다
    – Would you like to join us for dinner? (저녁 식사에 합류하고 싶으신가요?)

    ⦁ nutmeg: 육두구 나무
    – Nutmeg is often used as a spice in cooking (육두구는 요리 시 자주 사용하는 향신료이다).

  9. “Forward!” /cried the doctor. /“Double quick, /my lads. /We must head ’em off /the boats.”

    “전진!” 의사가 외쳤다. “더 빠르게, 친구들. 그들이 배로 가는 길을 막아야 해.”

  10. ⦁ forward: 전진하다
    – The troops moved forward toward the enemy (군대는 적을 향해 전진했다).

    ⦁ head off: 차단하다
    – We must head them off before they reach the border (그들이 국경에 도달하기 전에 차단해야 한다).

  11. And we set off /at a great pace, /sometimes plunging /through the bushes /to the chest.

    그리고 우리는 빠른 속도로 출발했으며, 때때로 가슴까지 덤불을 헤치며 나아갔다.

  12. ⦁ set off: 출발하다
    – They set off early in the morning (그들은 아침 일찍 출발했다).

    ⦁ plunge: 뛰어들다, 밀어넣다
    – He plunged into the icy water (그는 얼음물 속으로 뛰어들었다).

  13. I tell you, /but Silver was anxious /to keep up /with us. /The work /that man went through, /leaping /on his crutch /till the muscles /of his chest /were fit to burst, /was work /no sound man /ever equalled; /and so thinks /the doctor.

    내가 말하지만, 실버는 우리를 따라잡기 위해 애썼다. 그가 목발을 짚고 가슴 근육이 터질 듯 뛰어다닌 그 고생은 아무리 건장한 남자도 따라갈 수 없을 만큼 대단했다; 의사도 그렇게 생각했다.

  14. ⦁ anxious: 불안해하는
    – She was anxious about the exam results (그녀는 시험 결과에 대해 불안해했다).

    ⦁ crutch: 목발
    – He had to use crutches after his surgery (그는 수술 후 목발을 사용해야 했다).

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)