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TREASURE ISLAND 042 – XXXIIIThe Fall of a Chieftain – 007
“Ah,” said Silver, “it were fortunate for me that I had Hawkins here.You would have let old John be cut to bits, and never given it a thought, doctor.”“Not a thought,” replied Dr.Livesey cheerily.And by this time we had reached the gigs.The doctor, with the pick-axe, demolished one of them, and then we all got aboard the other and set out to go round by sea for North Inlet.This was a run of eight or nine miles.Silver, though he was almost killed already with fatigue, was set to an oar, like the rest of us, and we were soon skimming swiftly over a smooth sea.Soon we passed out of the straits and doubled the south-east corner of the island, round which, four days ago, we had towed the Hispaniola.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
“Ah,” said Silver, “it were fortunate for me / that I had Hawkins here.
“아,” 실버가 말했다, “내가 여기에 호킨스를 데리고 있어서 다행이었어.
You would have let old John / be cut to bits, / and never given it a thought, / doctor.”
당신은 존 노인이 난도질 당하게 놔뒀을 거야, / 그리고 전혀 생각도 안 했겠지, / 의사 선생님.”
“Not a thought,” replied Dr. Livesey cheerily.
“전혀요,” 리브시 박사는 쾌활하게 대답했다.
And by this time / we had reached the gigs.
그리고 이때쯤 / 우리는 보트에 도착했다.
The doctor, / with the pick-axe, / demolished one of them, / and then we all got aboard the other / and set out to go round by sea for North Inlet.
의사 선생님은 / 곡괭이를 가지고, / 그들 중 하나를 부수고, / 그 후 우리는 모두 다른 배에 탑승했고 / 바다를 돌아 노스 인렛으로 향하기 위해 출발했다.
This was a run of eight or nine miles.
이것은 8~9마일의 거리였다.
Silver, though he was almost killed already / with fatigue, / was set to an oar, / like the rest of us, / and we were soon skimming swiftly over a smooth sea.
실버는, 이미 피로로 거의 죽을 지경이었지만, / 노를 잡았고, / 우리 나머지 사람들처럼, / 그리고 우리는 곧 부드러운 바다 위를 빠르게 나아갔다.
Soon we passed out of the straits / and doubled the south-east corner of the island, / round which, four days ago, / we had towed the Hispaniola.
곧 우리는 해협을 빠져나갔고 / 섬의 남동쪽 구석을 두 번 돌았고, / 그곳에서 4일 전에, / 우리는 히스파니올라 호를 예인했다.
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