❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
It was a strange collection, like Billy Bones’s hoard for the diversity of coinage, but so much larger and so much more varied that I think I never had more pleasure than in sorting them.English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Georges, and Louises, doubloons and double guineas and moidores and sequins, the pictures of all the kings of Europe for the last hundred years, strange Oriental pieces stamped with what looked like wisps of string or bits of spider’s web, round pieces and square pieces, and pieces bored through the middle, as if to wear them round your neck—nearly every variety of money in the world must, I think, have found a place in that collection; and for number, I am sure they were like autumn leaves, so that my back ached with stooping and my fingers with sorting them out.Day after day this work went on; by every evening a fortune had been stowed aboard, but there was another fortune waiting for the morrow; and all this time we heard nothing of the three surviving mutineers.At last—I think it was on the third night—the doctor and I were strolling on the shoulder of the hill where it overlooks the lowlands of the isle, when, from out the thick darkness below, the wind brought us a noise between shrieking and singing.It was only a snatch that reached our ears, followed by the former silence.“Heaven forgive them,” said the doctor; “’tis the mutineers!”“All drunk, sir,” struck in the voice of Silver from behind us.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
It was a strange collection, / like Billy Bones’s hoard / for the diversity of coinage, / but so much larger / and so much more varied / that I think / I never had more pleasure / than in sorting them.
그것은 마치 다양한 동전의 빌리 본스의 보물처럼 기이한 컬렉션이었지만, 훨씬 더 크고 훨씬 더 다양해서 그것을 정리하는 것보다 더 큰 기쁨을 느낀 적이 없었던 것 같다.
English, French, Spanish, / Portuguese, / Georges, and Louises, / doubloons and double guineas / and moidores and sequins, / the pictures of all the kings of Europe / for the last hundred years, / strange Oriental pieces / stamped with what looked like wisps of string / or bits of spider’s web, / round pieces and square pieces, / and pieces bored through the middle, / as if to wear them round your neck—/ nearly every variety of money in the world / must, I think, have found a place / in that collection.
영어, 프랑스어, 스페인어, 포르투갈어, 조르주와 루이, 두블론, 더블 기니, 모이드르와 세퀸, 지난 100년 동안의 유럽 모든 왕들의 초상화, 실처럼 보이는 줄이나 거미줄 조각이 찍힌 기이한 동양의 조각들, 둥근 조각, 네모난 조각, 중간에 구멍이 뚫려 목에 걸 수 있을 것 같은 조각들—세상의 거의 모든 유형의 돈이 그 수집물에 자리 잡았다고 생각된다.
and for number, / I am sure / they were like autumn leaves, / so that my back ached / with stooping / and my fingers / with sorting them out.
그 숫자로 보자면, 나는 그것들이 가을 잎사귀처럼 많았다고 확신하는데, 그래서 등을 굽히느라 등을 아팠고, 그것들을 분류하느라 손가락이 아팠다.
Day after day / this work went on; / by every evening / a fortune had been stowed aboard, / but there was another fortune / waiting for the morrow; / and all this time / we heard nothing / of the three surviving mutineers.
날마다 이 일이 계속되었다; 매일 저녁마다 엄청난 재산이 실렸지만, 내일을 기다리는 또 다른 재산이 있었다; 그리고 그 시간 동안 우리는 생존한 세 명의 반란군에 대한 아무런 소식을 듣지 못했다.
At last—I think / it was on the third night—/ the doctor and I / were strolling / on the shoulder of the hill / where it overlooks / the lowlands of the isle, / when, / from out the thick darkness below, / the wind brought us a noise / between shrieking and singing.
마침내—내 생각에는 세 번째 밤이었다—의사와 나는 섬의 저지대를 내려다보는 언덕 어깨에서 산책하고 있었는데, 아래의 짙은 어둠 속에서 바람이 우리에게 비명과 노래 사이의 소음을 날려주었다.
It was only a snatch / that reached our ears, / followed by the former silence.
우리 귀에 들린 것은 단지 짧은 소리였고, 이전의 침묵이 뒤따랐다.
“Heaven forgive them,” / said the doctor; / “’tis the mutineers!”
“하늘이 그들을 용서하길,” 의사가 말했다; “그게 반란군입니다!”
“All drunk, sir,” / struck in the voice of Silver / from behind us.
“모두 취했군요, 선생님,” 뒤에서 실버의 목소리가 나왔다.
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