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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


It went to all our hearts, I think, to leave them in that wretched state; but we could not risk another mutiny; and to take them home for the gibbet would have been a cruel sort of kindness.
The doctor hailed them and told them of the stores we had left, and where they were to find them.
But they continued to call us by name and appeal to us, for God’s sake, to be merciful and not leave them to die in such a place.

At last, seeing the ship still bore on her course and was now swiftly drawing out of earshot, one of them—I know not which it was—leapt to his feet with a hoarse cry, whipped his musket to his shoulder, and sent a shot whistling over Silver’s head and through the main-sail.

After that, we kept under cover of the bulwarks, and when next I looked out they had disappeared from the spit, and the spit itself had almost melted out of sight in the growing distance.
That was, at least, the end of that; and before noon, to my inexpressible joy, the highest rock of Treasure Island had sunk into the blue round of sea.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. It went / to all our hearts, / I think, / to leave them / in that wretched state; / but we could not risk/ another mutiny; / and to take them home / for the gibbet / would have been / a cruel sort of kindness.

    나는 우리가 그들을 그런 비참한 상태로 / 내버리고 떠난 것이 모두의 가슴을 아프게 했다고 생각한다; / 하지만 또 다른 반란을 감수할 수는 없었다; / 그리고 그들을 교수형에 처하기 위해 집으로 데려가는 것은 / 잔인한 호의였을 것이다.

  2. ⦁ wretched: 비참한
    – He was living in wretched conditions. (그는 비참한 조건에서 살고 있었다.)

    ⦁ mutiny: 반란
    – The sailors planned a mutiny against their captain. (선원들은 그들의 선장에 대한 반란을 계획했다.)

  3. The doctor / hailed them / and told them / of the stores / we had left, / and where / they were / to find them.

    의사가 그들을 불러 우리가 남긴 물품 / 그리고 그것들을 어디에서 찾을 수 있는지를 / 알려주었다.

  4. ⦁ hailed: 불러 세우다
    – I hailed a taxi to go home. (나는 집에 가기 위해 택시를 불렀다.)

    ⦁ stores: 물품
    – The survival stores are kept in the warehouse. (생존 물품은 창고에 보관되어 있다.)

  5. But they continued / to call us / by name / and appeal to us, / for God’s sake, / to be merciful / and not leave them / to die / in such a place.

    하지만 그들은 계속해서 우리 이름을 부르며, / 하느님을 향해, / 자비를 베풀고 / 그들을 그런 곳에서 / 죽도록 내버려 두지 말라고 / 호소했다.

  6. ⦁ appeal: 호소하다
    – She appealed to the jury for mercy. (그녀는 배심원들에게 자비를 호소했다.)

    ⦁ merciful: 자비로운
    – The judge was merciful in his sentencing. (판사는 그의 판결에 자비로웠다.)

  7. At last, / seeing the ship / still bore on her course / and was now / swiftly drawing / out of earshot, / one of them—I know not / which it was—leapt to his feet / with a hoarse cry, / whipped / his musket / to his shoulder, / and sent a shot / whistling over Silver’s head / and through the mainsail.

    마침내, / 배가 여전히 / 항로를 따라 나아가고 있으며 / 이제는 / 급히 청각에서 벗어나는 것을 보고, / 그들 중 한 명—누군지 모르지만—가 거친 울음소리를 내며 / 발로 뛰어오르고, / 그의 머스킷을 / 어깨에 짊어지고 / 샷 하나 / 실버의 머리 위를 휙 지나 / 메인세일을 뚫고 나갔다.

  8. ⦁ earshot: 청각 거리
    – The scream was out of earshot. (비명 소리는 청각 거리 밖에 있었다.)

    ⦁ musket: 머스킷총
    – He aimed his musket at the target. (그는 목표물에 머스킷을 겨냥했다.)

  9. After that, / we kept under cover / of the bulwarks, / and when next / I looked out / they had disappeared / from the spit, / and the spit itself / had almost melted / out of sight / in the growing distance.

    그 후, / 우리는 방벽 아래 숨어 있었고, / 다음번 내가 외부를 봤을 때 / 그들은 모래톱에서 사라져 있었고, / 모래톱 자체도 거의 / 멀어지는 거리에서 / 보이지 않았다.

  10. ⦁ bulwarks: 방벽
    – The soldiers hid behind the bulwarks. (군인들은 방벽 뒤에 숨었다.)

    ⦁ spit: 모래톱
    – They walked along the sandy spit. (그들은 모래톱을 따라 걸었다.)

  11. That was, / at least, / the end of that; / and before noon, / to my inexpressible joy, / the highest rock / of Treasure Island / had sunk into the blue / round of sea.

    적어도, / 그것의 끝이었다; / 그리고 정오가 되기 전, / 나의 말할 수 없는 기쁨으로, / 보물섬의 가장 높은 바위가 / 푸른 바다에 / 가라앉았다.

  12. ⦁ inexpressible: 형언할 수 없는
    – The view was of inexpressible beauty. (그 경치는 형언할 수 없는 아름다움이었다.)

    ⦁ sunk: 가라앉았다
    – The ship has sunk into the ocean. (배는 바다에 가라앉았다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)